Foreign Language Correction

I work in Tokyo as SE. I can ...

28 Sep 2020 (UTC)
#0 Kawasaki [NVgJg5A]
Gender / Age
Male / 20-24
Language to correct
Text to correct
I work in Tokyo as SE.
I can read a English sentence a little but I’m not good at Speaking and listening.
That’s why,I’m waiting someone teach me English Speaking and Listening.

I like PC game and Action Movie. Let’s play The game with you if you want.
#1 [FFmUZJI]
I work as a SE in Tokyo as SE.
I can read a little bit of English sentence a littles, but I’m not so good at Sspeaking and listening.
That’s why,So I’m waiting for someone teach me English Swho tells me how to speaking and Llistening English.
I like playing PC games and Action Movies.
Let’s play The game with youtogether if you wantlike.
Corrected No problem
28 Sep 2020 (UTC)
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