Looking for Foreign Friends

友達募集-happy to chat with u

26 Jun 2024 (UTC)
#0 Aviator [QRhRg3A]
Gender / Age
Male / 25-29
Home country
Mainland China
Mandarin Chinese
Life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get.
Miracles happen every day.
New friend is a kind of miracle.
Would u be my new friend? :)
Last updated 26 Jun 2024 (UTC)
Looking for
Cantonese speaker, Japanese speaker, English speaker
Hola my friends!

I am Chinese and currently pursuing a Doctor of Medicine degree.

Movies,language,foreign cultures,delicacy and sports are my favorites.

I can teach you Chinese and you can also teach me English or introduce foreign culture to me :)

Would u be my new friends?
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