This site prohibits the following acts by users.
1. Acts that violate laws or public order and morals
2. Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of this site, other users of this service, or the server or network of a third party
3. Reverse engineering for unreasonable purposes or modes, or otherwise deciphering the source code
4. Unauthorized access or attempting this
5. Acts that may interfere with the operation of the services of this site
6. Acts of making unreasonable inquiries or requests to this site, such as repeating similar questions more than necessary
7. Acts of collecting, accumulating, disclosing or providing personal information about other users
8. Acts of creating multiple accounts
9. Acts of repeated registration and deletion of accounts in a short period of time
10. Acts of registering or transmitting false information
11. Acts of impersonating the site administrator, other users of this service, or a third party
12. Acts that directly or indirectly benefit antisocial forces in connection with the services of this site
13. Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, honor or other rights or interests of this site, other users of this service or third parties
14. Acts that cause inconvenience, disadvantage or damage, or may cause other users, third parties, or this site to be slandered, blamed, or insulted.
15. Acts of posting or transmitting on this service the content that this site determines to include or include the following expressions.
(1) Overly violent expression
(2) Explicit sexual expression
(3) Expressions equivalent to child pornography and child abuse
(4) Expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc.
(5) Expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, and substance abuse
(6) Expressions that lead to notices such as murder and blasting
(7) Expressions that make others uncomfortable, including other antisocial content
16. Acts that this site determines to have or are intended for the following purposes:
(1) Acts for the purpose of sales, promotion, advertising, solicitation (whether for profit or non-profit), or any other profit-seeking activities (except as approved by this site).
(2) Acts aimed at sexual or obscene acts
(3) Enjo kosai, prostitution, and prostitution purposes
(4) Acts for the purpose of dating
(5) Acts aimed at harassing or slandering other users
(6) Acts aimed at causing disadvantage, damage or discomfort to this site, other users of this service, or third parties
(7) Other acts of using this service for purposes other than those planned for this service
17. Posting or sending nude, obscene images, or other images that appear to be inappropriate on this service
18. Acts of posting information such as address and telephone number on this service
19. Acts of posting with multiple names on the same page
20. Recruitment or solicitation for matters involving the giving and receiving of money
21. Recruiting or soliciting business partners
22. Political, religious or related activities
23. Other acts that this site deems inappropriate