Hi ,I’m Yen Yen from Tainan. ...
Yen yen Chen
性別 / 年齢
/ 25-29
Hi ,I’m Yen Yen from Tainan.I’m starting up a culture project, want to introduce our traditional culture by Taiwanese tea. Except to held events ,I also want to write some articles online, try to let more people get to know the fascinating culture .And I’m very serious about it.
Therefore, I would like to find a language exchanger to help me with writing skills, native speaker or someone with English journalist background will be fine.
I was a journalist and editor, worked for the biggest publishing company for 2years. And moved back to my hometown, Tainan ,last month. And being a freelance copy writer now. I graduated from Chinese Literature department,NCKU. If any language problems I can help, I’ll do my best for you.
In the end, I think I’d better say something interesting haha .( or there will no one wanna help me haha)
I’m a traveler! I traveled East Europe alone for 2 months this year. Cuisine is my life, literature is my heart (haha). And I’m easygoing (for some people at least haha).
So, feel free to contact me.
Have a good day
Hi,I’, I'm Yen Yen from Tainan.
I’'m starting up a culture project, want tohich introduces our traditional culture by Taiwanese tea.
Exceptto heldholding events, I also want to write some articles online, and try to let more people get to know the fascinating culture.And. I’'m very serious about it.
Therefore, I would like to find a language exchange partner to help me with writing skills, and native speaker or someone with English journalist background will be fine.
I was a journalist and editor, worked for the biggest publishingcompany for 2 years.
AndI moved back to my hometown, Tainan, last month.
And beingNow I am a freelance copy writer now.
I graduated from Chinese Literature department, NCKU.
If I can help you for any language problemsI can help, I’'ll do my best for you.
In the end, I think I’'d bettersay something interesting haha.( or there will no one wanna help me haha).
I’'m a traveler!
I traveled to East Europe alone for 2 months this year.
Cuisine is my life, literature is my heart (haha).
And I’'m easygoing (for some people at least haha).
So, feel free to contact me.
Have a good day
You are using Chinese version of quotation marks, which takes wider space than normal English ones. Let me show examples here: _“hello”_"hello"_ (If you highlight the previous part, you could see the difference). You have enough vocabularies but maybe not enough language sense or grammar knowledge. Keep going!!
Above correction is done by non-native, whose English is even worse than Yen Yen.